Google: Google may face more antitrust trouble, this time for Google Maps

Google: Google may face more antitrust trouble, this time for Google Maps
Google: Google may face more antitrust trouble, this time for Google Maps


Google is already facing antitrust lawsuits in over search and online advertising. Now it seems lawmakers have set sight on Google Maps. As per a report by Politico, the US Department of Justice (DOJ) is targeting Google Maps.
Citing three people with knowledge of the matter, the report said that the department met Google’s competitors and customers “to decide who would be the best witnesses in any potential lawsuit challenging its dominant position in the market for digital maps and location information.”
Focus of investigation
“The investigation is broadly focused on Google’s control of digital maps and location data, in this instance the precise location of a host of different places, which is a key part of its search results,” said the report.

Furthermore, the report also said that the department is examining whether Google illegally forces app developers to use its mapping and search products as a bundle.
Lawsuit may be filed this year
Politico reported that a lawsuit targeting Google Maps could be filed this year, however, the probe is ongoing and no decision has been made on whether to file a case or on what to include in a complaint.
The investigation is said to be a priority for the department’s antitrust division, and the prosecutors are working quickly to reach a conclusion.
What Google has to say
Google has reportedly said its policies are designed to improve user experience. It noted that combining Google and non-Google information could cause errors and safety risks.

“Developers choose to use Google Maps Platform out of many options because they recognise it provides helpful, high-quality information. They are also free to use other mapping services in addition to Google Maps Platform — and many do,” Google spokesperson Peter Schottenfels was quoted as saying.
Fines on Google
In October last year, the company was fined Rs 2,200 crore – Rs 1,337.76-crore fine on Google for exploiting its dominant position with respect to Android and Rs 936-crore penalty in a case related to its Play Store policies.
Google has in 2017 paid over 4 billion euros in a case where the European Union court considered the company as abusing its dominant position.


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